Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Seasons Greetings From Super Weight Loss Reviews!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my readers a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous new year. I hope that 2009 will be the best year ever for you.

In my recent ezine article How to Lose Weight After Christmas and the Holiday Season I explained that over the holiday season you should relax the rules and indulge in a few of the Christmas goodies and enjoy yourself. In the new year when all the festivities are over and things are back to normal, you can then begin your weight loss diet.

The problem that most people have when embarking on a weight loss diet is that they tend to think of it as some sort of punishment that must be endured. A lot of people who are overweight (or just think they are overweight) tend to have a very poor self image and a low self esteem. Therefore when they decide to try and lose some weight they think they will have to half starve themselves and suffer in order to obtain any benefits.

This really is entirely the wrong way to go about any weight loss diet. Whatever your shape or size, whether you need to lose just a few pounds or whether you need to lose a lot of weight, just remember you are a unique individual and beautiful in your own way. Human beings come in all shapes and sizes. Wouldn't the world be a very boring place if we were all the same!

Just begin your weight loss diet slowly and make a few minor adjustments to your eating habits. If you have a sweet tooth, try and gradually reduce your sugar intake. Cut out fizzy cola drinks. Do you realize just how much sugar goes into a can of cola? - approximately 7 1/2 teaspoonfuls!

One way to reduce your sweet tooth is to drink some hot water with a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar each morning.

Cut down on the chocolate bars and sweets, try eating some dried fruit and nuts and seeds instead. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables too.

Eat 3 healthy well balanced meals (including breakfast) each day and try not to eat between meals. If you do feel hungry between meals, why not try eating one of those cereal bars instead of something sweet and fattening.

Remember to take some form of exercise too. Just going for a brisk walk will do you lots of good. Make it a habit to walk (or run) up the stairs instead of taking the lift. If you are feeling energetic, aerobic exercises are also very good and will quickly get you back into shape.

So relax the rules and enjoy yourself this Christmas and over the holiday season. But don't go too mad! In the new year when you are ready, just begin making some minor alternations to your eating habits and lifestyle and gradually you will begin to see some weight loss and will also feel much better overall.

If you would like more help and feel that you would like to try a good weight loss diet, head over to My Weight Loss Review Site. I have reviewed the top 5 online weight loss diets for you, so take a look and see if there is something there that appeals to you. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is my top choice, but they are all very good. I am also giving away a free weight loss guide, so don't miss out on that.

Next year I will be giving away a brand new weight loss E-Book, so stay tuned and watch out for that too!

Until then, once again I wish you a very Happy Christmas and New Year!

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Your Sleeping Pattern Could Be Making You Fat

Do you realize that your sleeping pattern could be affecting your weight? Some people have erratic sleep patterns and are not getting enough sleep. This in turn could be the reason for weight gain. When you are over tired you tend to eat more. This is because when you are feeling fatigued your energy level is at a low level and are therefore the tendency is to eat more in attempt to boost your energy. This could easily become a vicious circle, whereby lack of sleep can cause the body to become less efficient and to store more fat.

People who do shift work are more prone to weight problems. This is because they are sleeping at different times of the day and their eating patterns are irregular which leads to poor digestion and bad eating habits.

Trying to get more sleep and thereby boosting energy levels and reducing the need to over eat, could be one simple way to maintain your weight and reduce the need to go on a diet.

Taking more exercise, even if it is just something simple like leaving the car at home and walking more will also help. Reducing sugar intake and cutting down on cakes and chocolate will also help. Drinking more water will also be beneficial as water will help to rehydrate your whole body and make you feel less hungry.

Therefore getting enough sleep plays a very important part in maintaining your weight and staying fit and healthy.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

A New Look At Super Weight Loss Reviews

I have some great news today, my website Super Weight Loss Reviews has had a "face lift". It was about time too! It has a new cleaner look with more information and two new product reviews have been added. I will be adding more content in the future, including a page for healthy recipes and possibly a page with some weight loss exercises. I am very excited about this and would love to hear from you with your views and what information you would like to see to help you with any weight loss issues.

I hope your weight loss efforts are going well and don't forget the key to long term weight loss is to gradually change your eating habits, slowly but surely. If you think about it, when you go on a weight loss diet it usually involves cutting down on calories or cutting down on carbs, which is ok over the short term and you will probably lose some weight that way. But what happens what the diet is over and you are back to your old bad eating habits? Well guess what, you will probably put all the weight back on again.

My point is this, when you go on a weight loss diet, it usually involves cutting down on food, restricting your calories, feeling deprived etc etc. But if instead you make some slow but gradually changes to your normal eating habits, then over time you will lose weight and the weight loss will be sustainable.

Just simple things: For example, do you take sugar in tea or coffee? I used to take 2 teaspoons of sugars in my tea, then one day I decided to wean myself off sugar, so I started off by cutting down to one and half teaspoons of sugar. I did this for a few weeks, it felt odd at first but I soon got used to it. Then I cut down to 1 teaspoon of sugar, then after some time to half a teaspoon of sugar. Then one day I decided I did not need any sugar in my tea and now I cannot bear sugar in my tea - ugh! Ok you may think so what? But the point is that after cutting out sugar from my tea it also made me lose my taste for sweet sugary things on the whole. Whereas once I used to enjoy sweet sugary cakes and biscuits, now if eat any I really do not enjoy them anymore and prefer something less sugary and sweet. So cutting out sugar from my tea not only helped me to reduce sugar in that respect but also to cut down on sugary cakes and biscuits as well.

Therefore if you want to lose some weight and get in shape, it does not have to be one long battle of self deprivation and hard work. No, just make simple changes to your lifestyle. I am sure if you think about it, you could come up with lots more ideas. Put it this way, change is not always easy but if you do nothing, this time next year nothing will have changed, but if today, right now you make some gradually changes then over a period of time good thing will happen!

Lastly if you wish you can ignore all my advice and that is ok, but if nothing else please:

"Just for today believe in yourself.
Believe in your greatness, your goodness, your worth, know that you are capable and deserving.
Go ahead and believe in yourself even if you think you are the only person on the planet that does......"

(quote is from Humanity Healing Foundation)

Monday, 20 October 2008

Are You Tired Of Trying Diets That Don't Work?

Are you tired of trying endless diets that just don't work? You go from one new fad diet to the next only to end up back to square one again. Believe me I know just how you feel, I have been there myself.

The good news is that I have discovered a brand new diet system that actually works! It is called Strip That Fat and it does exactly what it says, it strips away any unwanted fat from your body, which will help your body and organs to function much better. You will soon feel much healthier and full of vitality and well being.

Most people when they try to lose weight will try and starve themselves and deprive themselves of all the food they enjoy. They think that by skipping meals they will lose weight easily. This may well work in the short term, but as soon as they go back to eating normally again, the weight will just come back and they will be back to square one again. In some cases they could even find they have gained even more weight. This can lead to depression and overeating which then forms a vicious circle of weight gain, followed by starvation dieting and then a further weight gain. This is known as yo yo dieting and is very bad for your health and well being.

Sometimes people who eat regularly 3 times a days can also find themselves gaining weight. With Strip That Fat you are encouraged to eat 5 small meals a day! This will probably come as a surprise and seem a contradiction in terms, but the secret to this is to eat the correct amount of calories and the right type of food to speed up the metabolism and burn off the calories. With Strip That Fat you will be shown exactly how to do this, plus how a few simple exercises will help you to burn fat even while you sleep! In 2 weeks from today you could lose as much as 10lbs of body fat. Strip that Fat will not only teach you how to lose weight but how to stay slim in the long term.

To find out more visit Strip That Fat and Get Slim Now!

Friday, 3 October 2008

Are You Happy With Your Body? - Would You Like To Lose Weight?"

Are you happy with your body? Would you like to lose some weight or do you enjoy going around feeling bloated and heavy? How good do you feel about yourself when you have to run for the bus and can feel all your "spare tyres" bouncing around and on top of that you get out of breath really quickly? How happy do you feel when you go out to buy some new clothes and none of the latest fashion comes in your size? How many times have you stood in the changing room and tried to squeeze into tight fitting clothes (especially on a hot day) and had to give up in the end?

I am sorry if the above questions seem cruel and uncaring, but really I am on your side and want to help you if I can. But if you really want to change yourself and lose that extra weight, you really need to ask yourself some serious questions and give yourself some honest answers.

One of the worst things that people who want to lose weight do, is procrastinate (believe me I have done the same myself). We tell ourselves that we will start that diet after the weekend, after Christmas or after the holidays, but the truth is that the best and only time to lose weight is right now!

Losing weight doesn't have to be such a daunting task. Honestly it can be fairly simple if you let it. Instead of making a big thing out of it, you could just start gradually and make some minor alterations in your life. For example cut down on the junk food, avoid eating fatty food, cut down the amount of cakes and chocolate bars that you normally eat. Try doing simple things like leaving the car at home and taking the bus instead. Get off the bus a stop before your normal bus stop and walk the extra distance. At work, take the stairs instead of the lift. Take some gentle exercises such a yoga or just do some simple aerobic exercises, but remember to warm up first. Dont go mad, just 5 or 10 minutes of exercising to start with and then build up gradually.

Believe me just a few simple changes in your life will make all the difference. If you would like to know about a good weight loss plan that can help visit Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

Remember just a few simple changes in your life can make a big impact on your weight loss efforts and in just a couple of weeks time you could be feeling the benefits and looking and feeling so much better in yourself! Or alternatively, just do nothing and in two weeks, two months and two years from now things will be just the same and you will still be overweight and unhappy. Go on - be strong, make the small simple changes and you will be so pleased that you did!

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Do You Need To Lose Weight Before Your Wedding?

So you have decided to get married and settle down. Well congratulations you must be very excited. I think getting married is a great thing to do, provided you are very sure and have seriously thought about all that marriage entails. A lot of couples now days dismiss marriage as old fashioned and somehow think that if things go wrong it will be easier to break up if they are not married. I think that is such a negative outlook and quite honestly if you break up with someone, whether you are married or not, it is still going to be very painful. Also in my opinion if you intend to have children it is a more secure upbringing for them.

In the days leading up to your wedding there are so many preparation to make and one of the most important things for you to do is to get yourself in shape and to look and feel as gorgeous and beautful as possible. If you have decided that you need to lose some weight you may like to try this weight loss product.

Remember the most important people in this wedding are you and your future husband. Make sure you have the wedding day that you both want to have and don't be pressurised by relatives or friends who want to turn it into their ideal wedding!

Getting married is a very positive thing to do. It shows committment and faith in the future. So have a very wonderful wedding day, relax and enjoy yourself. Be happy!

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Looking After Mind, Body and Spirit

Good health and well being comes from taking care of our spiritual needs as well as looking after our body. This is something a lot of us neglect and take for granted. That doesn't necessarily mean we have to go all pious and be religious.

Good spiritual health is finding time for yourself and doing things that make you feel happy inside and fulfilled. Take time just to be still and silient, look at the beauty of nature. Maybe try some deep breathing exercises. Check out this utube video called Intentional Silence

Having good intentions to find time for yourself is not always easy to do and sometimes good intentions alone just do not work. I have recently joined Humanity Healing Foundation's network at Ning. It is a wonderful place to be, with people from all backgrounds and religions joining together with the aim of bringing peace and harmony to the word. This is their introduction:

"Harmony awakens the soul, and soul creates a community of people who live together creatively and purposefully through which the very best in human nature can unfold. We are and we embrace people from different backgrounds and all walks of life, in the spirit of sharing the essence of personal and planetary transformation. We invoke the qualities of graceful and uplifting mutually supportive communication on a global Network of Healing, cooperation and Light."

Even if joining an organisation is not for you, just try and find time to be yourself and bring peace and harmony into your life. Just try it and see the difference it makes to your overall good health and happiness!

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

The Power of Food

When people start a diet they usually think of all the bad food they need to stop eating and think of weight loss in negative way. This is the wrong way to go about things.

A really good approach is to find out about all the good food that will make you healthy and give you energy.

Here are some examples of some of the power foods that you should try an incorporate into your life.


Walnuts contain vitamin E which helps prevent heart disease. They are high in anti-oxidants and contain rich amounds of magnegium and copper. All nuts (unsalted) are full of vitamins and nutrients but don't eat too many as they are high in calories.

Turkey Breast

Turkey breast is low in saturated fat. For example lean beef has 4.5 grams of saturated fated and turkey has only 0.2 grams of saturated fat.


Spinach contains beta carotens along withe antioxines. Spinach is also rich in plant-derived Omega 3 fatty acids.


Salmon is also rich in Omega 3 fatty acids which can reduce the risk of cornonary artery disease and help control hypertension. Also it can boost your metabolism making it easier to lose weight.


Tomatoes contain the nutrient lycopene which can prevent prostrate cancer. Lycopene is also thought to be as potent an anti-oxidant as beta-carotene and it is also thought to raise the skin's natural SFP (sun protection factor).

Olive Oil

Olive Oil (especially virgin olive oil) has a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and a high content of anti-toxins. It can also hep prevent heart disease and gallstones,


Cherries are a good source of vitamins A and C and potasium. They also contain pectin and anthocyanins, which are flavonoids linked to the prevention of cancer and heart disease.


Mushrooms contain zinc, essential amino acids and are high in vitamin B. Mushrooms are low in calories and have no cholesterol. They are also low in salt.


Blueberries contain more antioxidants than any other fruit or vegetable. It is thought to protect against heart disease and cancer and it can also boost brain power.


Broccoli contains lots of vitamin C, fibre and beta-carotene. Broccoli is also thought to boost the immune system, build bones, fight birth defects and to ward off degenerative eye disease

Sunday, 27 July 2008

Why Doesn't Anything Fit Me Anymore!

This weekend seems to be the start of summer at last, the weather has been so lovely. In fact because of the sudden change in the weather it really is too hot. So of course I have been going through my wardrobe and getting all my summer clothes out. Unfortunately none of my summer clothes seem to fit me anymore. All my shorts that I used to wear last year are now too tight and uncomfortable. All my lovely summer dresses are way too tight and make my stomache bulge out. I feel so fat and frumpy!

I must admit this does not look very good for someone who is writing a blog about weight loss! But on the other hand it does at least prove that I am human!

Ok this is time for the truth, normally I do not have a problem with my weight, I can (usually) eat whatever I fancy and get away with it. I just think I have been lucky in that respect and have a fairly fast metabolism. Although I do not normally have a weight problem I do have a problem with a lack of energy and I firmly beleive that energy or lack or energy is the result of the type of food we eat. For instance if I eat too much chocolate or cake although it is lovely at the time, it is not too long before I feel very tired or sluggish. But if I keep chocolate and cakes to the minimum and eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables I feel so good and energised.

To be honest I do know the reason I have put on weight. It is because I have got lax and haven't been eating the right type of food and have been indulging in too much junk food. Also it is due to lack of exercise because I have been working from home for the last few months and of course have not had to travel to and from work which used to involve a lot of walking for me.

So what to do about it? The answer for me is to start an exercise program as I know from past experience that once I start exercising again I will definatly lose weight and will also have the added benefit of having so much more energy. Turbulence Training is an excellent weight loss program which uses the combination of resistance training and interval training to boost the metabolism so that the body burns calories and fat between workouts.

Why not visit my weight loss review site and check this out for yourself and also find out which other two weight loss programs I personally recommend!

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Healthy Weight Loss Tip - Try This Recipe

Sometimes when we are trying to lose weight we forget to look of the whole picture. Weight loss and dieting should also include looking good, feeling good and trying to be the best we can possibly be.

We should learn to enjoy food and eating should be an enjoyable experience. We need to try different recipes and experiment. One of the most overlooked food is pulses. There are many different varieties including, pinto beans, red kidney beans, haricot beans, butter beans etc.

Pulses (including lentils) are virtually fat free and full of protein. They provide good quantities of unrefined carbohydrates and because they are rich in dietary fibre they are also very filling. Another reason to try cooking with pulses is because they are very cheap to buy, unlike meat nowdays!

One of my favourite recipes is called Dutch Bean Stamppot. It is made with pinto beans and is a bit like shepherds pie but without the meat.


6oz (175g) pinto beans
1 tbsp (15ml) sunflower oil
1 onion, peeled and finely chopped
4 sticks celery, trimmed and diced
8oz (250g) carrots, scrubbed and diced
14oz (400g) can tomatoes, pureed
1 tsp (5ml) dried thyme
2 tsp (30ml) finely chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp (5ml) yeast extract
12oz (375g) potatoes, mashed

  1. Drain the beans. Boil fast in fresh water for 10 minutes. Cover and simmer for 30-40 minutes. Drain and reserve the stock.

  2. Heat the oil and gently fry the onion for 3-4 minutes or until soft. Add the celery, carrots and cooked beans and cook for 5 minutes. Stir in the tomatoes, a bay leaf, thyme and parsley.

  3. Dissolve the yeast extract in a little hot bean stock and stir in. Bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Season to taste.

  4. Place the stamppot in a lightly greased ovenproof dish, cover with mashed potatoes and bake in a preheated oven at Gas Mark 4, 350F, 180C for 15 to 20 minutes.
Eat and enjoy!

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Is Your Boyfriend Making You Fat?

Is your boyfriend making you fat? Well is he? Think about it for a moment. Does he buy you chocolates, even though you keep telling him not to and that you are trying to watch your weight? Does he insisted that you have that fattening desert when you go out for a meal even though you say you shouldn't?

Yes, I bet you thought he was being considerate and attentive, so you would meekly eat the chocolates and eat the desserts just because you are kind and didn't want to hurt his feelings. But stop - what is his ulterior motive? Is he doing this because deep down he feels insecure. Is it because he thinks if you get slim and gorgeous that someone else will come along who is more attractive and better looking and sweep you off your feet and then he will be left all on his own. Some men are like that, so if you find your boyfriend plying you with chocolates, sweets and all manner of fattening food, just think twice before blindly accepting them!

If after careful consideration you think he really is trying to sabotage your weight loss plans, don't yell and shout at him, just be subtle. Tell him that if he really wants to prove his love and devotion to you, some expensive perfume or jewellery would be very welcome instead!!!

Don't let your boyfriend sabotage your weight loss plans - fight back - visit my weight loss review site now!

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

For Successful Weight Loss Be Kind to Yourself

For many people weight loss is all about giving something up and being deprived of something. They think "if I stop eating chocolate for a week I am sure to lose some weight." Or they say to themselves "If I am really good and give up all the food I really love, I am sure to lose weight."

Well they are so wrong! When you give up eating a particular food that you enjoy ie chocolate, then chocolate becomes your focus. You are constantly thinking about chocolate. Your mind will run something like this...."oh I really miss eating chocolate but I am going to be really good and not eat any, then I will lose weight and be beautiful again." Next day you will be thinking..."oh dear I am so stressed I really want some chocolate, but I am not going to have any - so there!" The day after you are feeling really stressed and thinking .... "If only I could have just a tiny piece of chocolate I know I would feel better but I'm not going to eat any because I am a strong person." Two hours later..."surely a small piece of chocolate is not going hurt - oh no I can't!" One hour later..."chocolate, chocolate, I must have chocolate" and then..."I'm just a fat greedy pig - chocolate, chocolate" Half an hour later you are ready to hit someone - anyone! Five minutes later you race down to the shop and buy 6 chocolate bars and spend the next half an hour stuffing your face with chocolate. You feel so relieved and blissed out!

The next day you feel so guilty and all the self loathing comes back and you think you may as well give up and resign yourself to the fact that you are always going to be fat and ugly!

Ok I know the above is an extreme example, but do you get the picture? Most people who try to lose weight tend to have a bad self image and think that diet and weight loss is all about depriving themselves and punishing themselves. But the fact is that the more we deprive ourselves of something we want, the more that very thing becomes the focus of our attention.

For successful weight loss we need to find a good program that is kind to us. Where we are not forever feeling guilty and deprived of the food that we love. Above all we must be kind to ourselves.

For the best weight loss programs visit and start being kind to yourself!

Friday, 27 June 2008

Are You Tired of Yo Yo Dieting?

Are you tired of yo yo dieting and your weight consistently going up and down? You may also find yourself having mood swings, feeling really happy when you have lost a few pounds only to quickly regain them again and then feel so guilty and bad about yourself.

The problem with yo yo dieting is that when you cut down on calories your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows down. The body will then start to think that there is a famine. In order to maintain your weight while it "thinks" you are starving, your body's metabolism rate will actually slow down and your body will then start to store the calories into your fat cells.

In the long run, very low calorie diets can actually make you fatter. Eventually, they lead to binge eating and weight re-gain and you end up with less muscle and a slower metabolism than when you started.

Some of the consequences of the body going into starvation mode include:

  1. Your body releases fewer fat- releasing and fat-burning enzymes such as hormone sensitive lipase and lipoprotein lipase.

  2. Your fat cells release less of the hormone leptin, which is the signal that tells your brain you are well fed and not starving.

  3. Fat burning hormones crash, including your levels of T3, which is the active form of thyroid hormone, the "metabolism-regulating hormone".

  4. You lose muscle. Muscle is metabolically-active tissue, which means it takes a lot of energy just to keep it. When you are "starving," excess muscle is the last thing you need. Muscle becomes expendable, and your body cannibalizes your own lean tissue.

  5. Appetite hormones rage out of control. When you are starving, a part of your brain called the hypothalamus switches into high gear and flips the appetite switch, sometimes to the point where you become ravenous and cannot fight these physiological cravings with willpower.

It is therefore hormonally, metabolically and physiologically impossible to achieve permanent fat loss by starving yourself. Any program that is extremely low in calories may work in the short term, but the results never long lasting.

If you are tired of yo yo dieting and having a slow metabolism a good way to speed up your metabolism and to feel good about yourself is to start a regular exercise program. Aerobic and weight lifting exercises are very good because they speed up your metabolism and build muscle, as muscle cells are crammed with power sources called mitochondria, which are where your calories get "burned" or oxidized. So the more muscle you have, the more power sources you have to break down fat. This means that the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, even while sleeping.

Therefore if you are tired of yo yo dieting and feeling bad about yourself, maintaining sensible eating habits and regular exercise are all good ways to a healthy balanced lifestyle.

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

They call this the Idiot Proof Diet. There is no long ebook to read or exercise plan to follow. You choose which foods you want to eat and a new menu will be automatically generated in seconds! You even get to eat more than 3 times a day! It is possible for you to lose 9lbs every 11 days and that you are overweight for the most simple of reasons - because you are eating the wrong foods, the wrong types of calories per meal and eating meals in the wrong patterns each day. Food is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills, because the food that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT. You don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, that's a myth. You get fat because you don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day.

  • Low Fat Foods DON'T WORK
  • Low Calorie Diets DON'T WORK
  • Low Carb Plans DON'T WORK

Fat Loss 4 Idiots will give you:

  • An On-Line Diet Generator
  • 10 Rules for Fast Fat Loss

ALSO You Will Learn:

  • How to Stop Retaining Water
  • How to Order Food at Resturants to Boost Fat Burning
  • How to Drink Alcohol whilst Still Burning Fat
  • How to Eat More Than 3 times Per Day to Speed Up Weight Loss

Plus Much More!

To learn how to lose weight effortlessly visit my weight loss review site at

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Welcome to Super Weight Loss Reviews!

Super Weight Loss Reviews will give you reviews of the hottest weight loss progams on the market along with any other information regarding weight loss and related health issues.

So one two three here we go!

Are You Really Ready to Lose Weight?

Are you really ready to lose weight? Are you sure? Is this you?
  • You are constantly thinking about losing that excess weight and those spare tyres you are carrying around.
  • You are forever counting the calories in each meal.
  • You go on one of the latest fad diets you read about for a few weeks but then give up.
  • You read everything you can about dieting, weight loss and exercise, but never really do anything about it.
Unless you are really ready to lose weight both mentally and emotionally, you will be defeated before you begin. Dieting before you are ready to lose weight can also lead to yo yo dieting which in turn puts the body under constant strain, forever desperately trying to keep a balance.

Losing weight can be just as hard as giving up smoking for someone who has smoked cigarettes for most of their adult life. Overeating and smoking cigarettes can both be very addictive and hard habits to break. In order to succeed in either case you must have the right mental attitude and be very determined to succeed. If you start a weight loss program without the intention of keeping it up, then the doubt that is always in the back of your mind will make it so much easier for you to fail.

For many people it is more about what goes on in the mind than what they are putting into their mouth and you might have to deal with these issues first before you have any real success with losing weight and getting in shape. We do most things in life subconsciously including good and bad habits and by turning those bad habits into positive lifestyle changes your body weight won't be something that is constantly the focus of your life.

Mind power is a very potent thing that can work for or against you and by eliminating bad habits from your life you will be retraining your mind to accept the new lifestyle as your natural state whereby you will be able to maintain a good health body weight for the long-term.

So when you feel you are really ready to lose weight, find a good weight loss system that you feel comfortable with and one that will suit your lifestyle. Don't just jump on the bandwagon of the next fad diet that comes into fashion. Sensible eating and regular exercise are all good ways to maintain a healthy way of life.

&T To find the best weight loss diets visit my site at