I am sorry if the above questions seem cruel and uncaring, but really I am on your side and want to help you if I can. But if you really want to change yourself and lose that extra weight, you really need to ask yourself some serious questions and give yourself some honest answers.
One of the worst things that people who want to lose weight do, is procrastinate (believe me I have done the same myself). We tell ourselves that we will start that diet after the weekend, after Christmas or after the holidays, but the truth is that the best and only time to lose weight is right now!
Losing weight doesn't have to be such a daunting task. Honestly it can be fairly simple if you let it. Instead of making a big thing out of it, you could just start gradually and make some minor alterations in your life. For example cut down on the junk food, avoid eating fatty food, cut down the amount of cakes and chocolate bars that you normally eat. Try doing simple things like leaving the car at home and taking the bus instead. Get off the bus a stop before your normal bus stop and walk the extra distance. At work, take the stairs instead of the lift. Take some gentle exercises such a yoga or just do some simple aerobic exercises, but remember to warm up first. Dont go mad, just 5 or 10 minutes of exercising to start with and then build up gradually.
Believe me just a few simple changes in your life will make all the difference. If you would like to know about a good weight loss plan that can help visit Fat Loss 4 Idiots.
Remember just a few simple changes in your life can make a big impact on your weight loss efforts and in just a couple of weeks time you could be feeling the benefits and looking and feeling so much better in yourself! Or alternatively, just do nothing and in two weeks, two months and two years from now things will be just the same and you will still be overweight and unhappy. Go on - be strong, make the small simple changes and you will be so pleased that you did!
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