People who do shift work are more prone to weight problems. This is because they are sleeping at different times of the day and their eating patterns are irregular which leads to poor digestion and bad eating habits.
Trying to get more sleep and thereby boosting energy levels and reducing the need to over eat, could be one simple way to maintain your weight and reduce the need to go on a diet.
Taking more exercise, even if it is just something simple like leaving the car at home and walking more will also help. Reducing sugar intake and cutting down on cakes and chocolate will also help. Drinking more water will also be beneficial as water will help to rehydrate your whole body and make you feel less hungry.
Therefore getting enough sleep plays a very important part in maintaining your weight and staying fit and healthy.
Very interesting article. It's obvious that sleep is important for overall health but rarely do I consider the role it plays in maintaining a healthy weight. Thanks for bringing it to my attention
Thank you for your input Adelaide
I have found that if I haven't slept well, the next day at work I will eat a lot to try and boost my energy levels. So if this bad sleep pattern continued I would be putting on lots of weight.
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