Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Weight Loss And Self Esteem
Although they may not like to admit this to themselves, deep down they feel they are somehow worthless or not good enough. They may feel unloved or they don't deserve to be happy.
Because of these feeling they often resort to comforting eating and because they know they have eaten too much, they despise themselves even more for their weakness. This then forms a vicious circle of feeling worthless, comfort eating and self loathing.
So if this is you and you feel worthless or not good enough, for whatever reason, I want you to watch this video.
I want you to know that you are worthwhile. You are deserving and you are very loved.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Weight Loss And Regular Exercise
By getting into a regular pattern it makes the task of losing weight considerably easier.
If you know that you are going to exercise at the same time every day then your body will soon become adjusted to the fact that it will be exercising and this not only makes the exercise easier but it also ensures that you will stick to the plan and reach your goals a lot sooner than you would if you weren't consistent in your actions.
By keeping a record of your fitness training, you will be able to improve your performance in small steps that will result in big gains over the course of your program.
A regular checkup with your doctor is always recommended to ensure that all aspects of your health are improving and any concerns that you might have can be answered before they have the chance to escalate.
You might occasionally have a break from your weight loss program and this is not unexpected. It can actually do you a lot of good to have the occasional break from routine, provided of course that you get back to the program in a reasonable time and don't slip back to your old habits.
By adding variety to your food and your exercise it will ensure that you don't get bored as this is one of the main reasons that many people struggle to maintain their plan and achieve their goals.
If possible get others to join in with you when you are training as this can help to relieve any boredom and also inspire you to do more training and improve your performance.
Always try to associate with positive people and those who will help you to reach your goals and don't accept any negative energy from others as this will only hinder your chances of success.
Visit Super Weight Loss Reviews for Great Weight Loss Advice
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Weight Loss - How Much Are You Really Eating
The amount of calories that you consume on a daily basis will determine whether you gain or lose weight and this is one of the most important aspects of any weight loss program that you decide to go on.
Studies have been taken where overweight people believed they were eating no more food than other people they associated with who were considerably slimmer than they were.
The overweight people were under the false impression that the reason why they were heavier and gaining weight was due to their body's metabolism.
When keeping a record of their food consumption over a specified period of time it was shown that they were actually consuming more calories and it had nothing to do with their metabolism but rather their choice of food and the quantities they were eating.
You only need to reduce your calorie intake by 100 calories per day to make a substantial effect on your weight over the period of a year.
This is a very manageable goal for almost everybody and it is not too difficult to cut back by that amount, however many of the weight loss programs are recommending considerably more reduction in calories making it very difficult to maintain and as a result of this many people are failing to achieve what they start out to do.
Now when you combine the fact that you only need to reduce calories by that much, with additional supplementation of vitamins and minerals that can help your overall health, you can see how you can stay nutritionally balanced throughout the whole weight loss process and not feel as though you are starving yourself.
For many people just knowing that the hurdle is not so great, and that there are suitable supplements to assist them, is enough to ensure that they can start and maintain a good weight loss diet.
Saturday, 18 April 2009
5 Really Simple Super Easy Weight Loss Tips

But really losing weight doesn't have to be that difficult nor so drastic.
Tip 1 - Set Realistic Goals
If you are not used to exercising, then planning 1 hour at the gym every day is going to be way to much. The best thing to do is to start off slowly and build up gradually. Start with baby steps. Aim to spend 10 minutes every day just doing very basic exercises. Alternatively go for a brisk walk for ten minutes every day. After say one week, increase to 20 minutes per day, then the following week, increase to 30 minutes per day and so on until you reach a level you are comfortable with.
Tip 2 - Cut Down on the Junk Food
Notice I said cut down and not cut out. Just try and cut down on the junk food during the week and at the weekend allow yourself a couple of treats. If you suddenly cut out junk food altogether, you will probably end up feeling deprived, miserably and will keep focusing on the food you are craving. This could lead to you giving way to temptation and having a binge. So allow yourself a treat or two now and again but be sensible about it.
Tip 3 - Replace Sugary Snacks With Dried Fruit
If you replace sugary snacks like cakes and chocolate bars with dried fruit, you will decrease your sugar cravings. Dried fruit is full of vitamins and is very easy to eat. Try dried apricots, apples, bananas and pears. Dried cranberries are also delicious.
Tip 4 - Eat 3 Meals a Day
Don't skip meals thinking it will help you to lose weight as the effects will be minimal and short lived. When you cut down on food your body will go into starvation mode and your metabolism will slow down. Instead eat 3 healthy meals a day at regular intervals as this will speed up your metabolism, keep you feeling full during the day and help avoid snacking in between meals.
Tip 5 - Learn to Love Yourself
This may seem strange advice for weight loss, but a lot of people have low self esteem, which in turn could lead to comfort eating and weight gain. Make a list of all your good qualities. If you really find this difficult, ask your best friend or close family members to help. Then focus on all your good point and not on the negative side. You will feel so much better about yourself for doing this.
If you follow these 5 really simple super easy weight loss tips, in no time at all you will feel great and be super slim and sexy.
If you would like some more help with your weight loss diet, then I would highly recommend The Idiot Proof Diet. This is one of the easiest weight loss diets on the market. You won't have to count boring calories or feel deprived and hungry. Instead you will receive an easy weight loss guide and access to an online Menu Generator. You will be given a choice of which food you would like to eat, then the online Menu Generator will plan your meals for the next 11 days. If you follow the Idiot Proof Diet you could easily lose 9lbs in just 11 days. How cool is that!
Monday, 13 April 2009
The Idiot Proof Way To Lose Weight

Are you looking for a weight loss diet that is quick and simple to use? Are you tired of counting boring calories? As you are preparing the family dinner before you can enjoy the same meal as the rest of the family, do you have to add up all the calories in the food you are going to cook and usually end up with a very small portion. The portion is so small that it leaves you feeling hungry when you have finished eating.
Are you tired of living on "rabbit food" and feel guilty about everything you eat. Do you skip meals hoping that depriving yourself of a meal will help you lose a few pounds. Maybe you do manage to lose a few pounds, but my guess is that you feel miserable, have low energy and just long to eat all the "naughty" food again.
Well I have some great news for you! With the Idiot Proof Way to Lose Weight you do not have to count calories anymore! You will be given an online Diet Generator which automatically calculates everything for you in seconds and will give you the right amount of calories for your daily menu.
And guess what else? You are allowed to eat more than 3 times a day!
Here are some weight loss secrets:
Low Fat Foods Don't Work
Low Calorie Diets Don't Work
Low Carb Diets Don't Work
Food is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pill. This is because the food you eat can either make you fat or thin. You don't get fat because of lack of exercise, you get fat because you are not eating the right food at the right intervals each day.
With the Idiot Proof Way to lose weight you will learn a new technique called Calorie Shifting. Your metabolism always burns calories based on your eating habits of the past and assumes that you will continue to eat in the same way. With calorie shifting you shock your metabolism by doing the opposite of what it expects. By eating different calories in different patterns, your body will release fat burning hormones after each meal and burn off all the calories you have eaten. With this technique it is possible for you to lose up to 9lbs in just 11 days. If you want to lose more weight, then you can simply use the 11 day diet plan over again until you lose all the weight you want.
So if you are tired of counting boring calories, reading labels, feeling deprived of food and would like to eat more than 3 days a day then the Idiot Proof Way to Lose Weight could be just what you are looking for.
Once you begin the Idiot Proof Diet you will be amazed at how easy it really is!
Monday, 26 January 2009
How To Get Slim And Sexy for Valentines Day

Are you the romantic type that believes in love and happy ever after? Are you looking forward to valentines day and hoping to find true love? Or perhaps you have already found your true love and want to make valentines day a special occasion. Either way is your weight letting your down and threatening to spoil your day? Do you feel fat, frumpy and frustrated? Have you been let down in the past by weight loss diets that just do not work? I know just how you feel, you want to look slim and sexy for valentines day but you have put on so much weight that all your clothes feel tight and uncomfortable. You need to take some drastic action but do not know which way to turn.
The first thing to do is to try not to panic and get stressed out. In this article I explained that being stressed will only lead you on a downward spiral and you could end up comfort eating, which will in turn lead to guilt and frustration. So think positive and read on.
Here is some good news:
You do not have to starve yourself to lose weight
When you cut down on calories your metabolism will slow down and you will burn fewer calories. So please do not try and starve yourself by skipping meals to try and lose weight.
You can eat 3 to 4 times a day and still lose weight
When you eat your meals at regular intervals your metabolism will speed up and you will lose weight. You will be less likely to eat between meals and be tempted by sugary snacks and fizzy drinks. So eat at least 3 times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) at regular intervals
You can still eat your favourite food occasionally without feeling guilty
Give yourself the occasional treat but be sure to eat in moderation and do not binge. If you are too strict and try to avoid all the food you really love all of the time, you will end up losing your will power and could resort to binging, which in turn will lead to guilt and maybe the end of all your weight loss efforts. So reward yourself with the occasional treat and then go back to your weight loss diet.
It is not necessary to exercise to lose weight
You can still lose weight without exercising, but exercising on a regular basis will help with your weight loss goals. Exercising will also give you more energy and make you feel good about yourself. It is a proven fact that exercising makes you feel happy! This is because exercise can decrease stress hormones like cortisol and increase endorphins which are your body's 'feel good' chemicals to give your mood a natural boost.
It does not have to be anything too strenuous, just brisk walking will burn off some calories. But aerobic exercises will really boost your weight loss efforts. Swimming and cycling are also great ways to exercise and will help speed up your weight loss efforts.
So if you want to get slim and sexy before Valentine Day or any special occasion just follow the above advice and soon you will be slim and fit and ready for the man (or woman) of your dreams to come along and sweep you off your feet!
If you need some more help and advice to get slim and sexy before Valentines Day, I can recommend a good weight loss diet that really works.
This time last year I had put on lots of weight and was feeling very fat and frumpy and then I tried this weight loss diet. I soon lost weight and shortly after I found true love when I met my partner Richard. It was one week before Valentines Day!
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Beware of the Invisible Saboteurs of Your Weight Loss Diet!

This should not dishearten you or make you abandon your resolution, but what you really need to do is to strengthen your willpower and resist those subtle and malicious suggestions or responses they make whenever you reach a specific target towards a slimmer body and a healthier lifestyle.
Why does this happen?
Well, the reason why some people adopt such an attitude to your success is that they are afraid of losing something once the goal is attained. If it is a partner, he or she may feel threatened by your new look and fear that you will become more attractive to the opposite sex. If he or she is a sibling, then they may feel uncomfortable about losing a friend to share the good food you used to enjoy together or it can stem from feelings of jealousy. This is also apparent if your so called best friend is sabotaging your weight loss plans, they may fear losing you to a new circle of friends once you get all the weight off.
Here are some clues to use if you want to see if they belong to this category of saboteurs:
1.They Offer you Fattening Foods
This is one mean trick that can make you fail in your plans and be a victim of these weight loss saboteurs! Over time, they may try to tempt you with food by offering you something that used to be your personal favourite. Just thank them and refuse to have any of it.
2. Negative Comments
Some small remarks such as "You can never stick to your goals" or "You look good just the way you are" are simply some of the tactics employed by these tricky characters!
3. Catch You Doing Something Forbidden
They have a habit of keeping an eye on you and then to jump onto something you did that is contrary to your weight loss diet.
4. Constant Criticism
They have a habit of criticizing everything you do and how you decide to manage your weight loss plan.
So how do you deal with these people in your life? They are the people dearest to you and you can't simply push them aside. Well, what you can do is to simply ignore these remarks, and move on with your weight loss diet. You can make some attempts to reassure them that things will not change and will be what they used to be in the past. What is changing is only your weight and your lifestyle and you are doing it for your own well being and your health. Isn't your happiness more important to them than their fear of the unknown?
If you need some help sticking to your new years resolution why not visit my My Weight Loss Review Site for some great Online Weight Loss Diets.