I have some great news today, my website Super Weight Loss Reviews has had a "face lift". It was about time too! It has a new cleaner look with more information and two new product reviews have been added. I will be adding more content in the future, including a page for healthy recipes and possibly a page with some weight loss exercises. I am very excited about this and would love to hear from you with your views and what information you would like to see to help you with any weight loss issues.
I hope your weight loss efforts are going well and don't forget the key to long term weight loss is to gradually change your eating habits, slowly but surely. If you think about it, when you go on a weight loss diet it usually involves cutting down on calories or cutting down on carbs, which is ok over the short term and you will probably lose some weight that way. But what happens what the diet is over and you are back to your old bad eating habits? Well guess what, you will probably put all the weight back on again.
My point is this, when you go on a weight loss diet, it usually involves cutting down on food, restricting your calories, feeling deprived etc etc. But if instead you make some slow but gradually changes to your normal eating habits, then over time you will lose weight and the weight loss will be sustainable.
Just simple things: For example, do you take sugar in tea or coffee? I used to take 2 teaspoons of sugars in my tea, then one day I decided to wean myself off sugar, so I started off by cutting down to one and half teaspoons of sugar. I did this for a few weeks, it felt odd at first but I soon got used to it. Then I cut down to 1 teaspoon of sugar, then after some time to half a teaspoon of sugar. Then one day I decided I did not need any sugar in my tea and now I cannot bear sugar in my tea - ugh! Ok you may think so what? But the point is that after cutting out sugar from my tea it also made me lose my taste for sweet sugary things on the whole. Whereas once I used to enjoy sweet sugary cakes and biscuits, now if eat any I really do not enjoy them anymore and prefer something less sugary and sweet. So cutting out sugar from my tea not only helped me to reduce sugar in that respect but also to cut down on sugary cakes and biscuits as well.
Therefore if you want to lose some weight and get in shape, it does not have to be one long battle of self deprivation and hard work. No, just make simple changes to your lifestyle. I am sure if you think about it, you could come up with lots more ideas. Put it this way, change is not always easy but if you do nothing, this time next year nothing will have changed, but if today, right now you make some gradually changes then over a period of time good thing will happen!
Lastly if you wish you can ignore all my advice and that is ok, but if nothing else please:
"Just for today believe in yourself.
Believe in your greatness, your goodness, your worth, know that you are capable and deserving.
Go ahead and believe in yourself even if you think you are the only person on the planet that does......"
(quote is from Humanity Healing Foundation)