Thursday, 18 September 2008

Do You Need To Lose Weight Before Your Wedding?

So you have decided to get married and settle down. Well congratulations you must be very excited. I think getting married is a great thing to do, provided you are very sure and have seriously thought about all that marriage entails. A lot of couples now days dismiss marriage as old fashioned and somehow think that if things go wrong it will be easier to break up if they are not married. I think that is such a negative outlook and quite honestly if you break up with someone, whether you are married or not, it is still going to be very painful. Also in my opinion if you intend to have children it is a more secure upbringing for them.

In the days leading up to your wedding there are so many preparation to make and one of the most important things for you to do is to get yourself in shape and to look and feel as gorgeous and beautful as possible. If you have decided that you need to lose some weight you may like to try this weight loss product.

Remember the most important people in this wedding are you and your future husband. Make sure you have the wedding day that you both want to have and don't be pressurised by relatives or friends who want to turn it into their ideal wedding!

Getting married is a very positive thing to do. It shows committment and faith in the future. So have a very wonderful wedding day, relax and enjoy yourself. Be happy!

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Looking After Mind, Body and Spirit

Good health and well being comes from taking care of our spiritual needs as well as looking after our body. This is something a lot of us neglect and take for granted. That doesn't necessarily mean we have to go all pious and be religious.

Good spiritual health is finding time for yourself and doing things that make you feel happy inside and fulfilled. Take time just to be still and silient, look at the beauty of nature. Maybe try some deep breathing exercises. Check out this utube video called Intentional Silence

Having good intentions to find time for yourself is not always easy to do and sometimes good intentions alone just do not work. I have recently joined Humanity Healing Foundation's network at Ning. It is a wonderful place to be, with people from all backgrounds and religions joining together with the aim of bringing peace and harmony to the word. This is their introduction:

"Harmony awakens the soul, and soul creates a community of people who live together creatively and purposefully through which the very best in human nature can unfold. We are and we embrace people from different backgrounds and all walks of life, in the spirit of sharing the essence of personal and planetary transformation. We invoke the qualities of graceful and uplifting mutually supportive communication on a global Network of Healing, cooperation and Light."

Even if joining an organisation is not for you, just try and find time to be yourself and bring peace and harmony into your life. Just try it and see the difference it makes to your overall good health and happiness!

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

The Power of Food

When people start a diet they usually think of all the bad food they need to stop eating and think of weight loss in negative way. This is the wrong way to go about things.

A really good approach is to find out about all the good food that will make you healthy and give you energy.

Here are some examples of some of the power foods that you should try an incorporate into your life.


Walnuts contain vitamin E which helps prevent heart disease. They are high in anti-oxidants and contain rich amounds of magnegium and copper. All nuts (unsalted) are full of vitamins and nutrients but don't eat too many as they are high in calories.

Turkey Breast

Turkey breast is low in saturated fat. For example lean beef has 4.5 grams of saturated fated and turkey has only 0.2 grams of saturated fat.


Spinach contains beta carotens along withe antioxines. Spinach is also rich in plant-derived Omega 3 fatty acids.


Salmon is also rich in Omega 3 fatty acids which can reduce the risk of cornonary artery disease and help control hypertension. Also it can boost your metabolism making it easier to lose weight.


Tomatoes contain the nutrient lycopene which can prevent prostrate cancer. Lycopene is also thought to be as potent an anti-oxidant as beta-carotene and it is also thought to raise the skin's natural SFP (sun protection factor).

Olive Oil

Olive Oil (especially virgin olive oil) has a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and a high content of anti-toxins. It can also hep prevent heart disease and gallstones,


Cherries are a good source of vitamins A and C and potasium. They also contain pectin and anthocyanins, which are flavonoids linked to the prevention of cancer and heart disease.


Mushrooms contain zinc, essential amino acids and are high in vitamin B. Mushrooms are low in calories and have no cholesterol. They are also low in salt.


Blueberries contain more antioxidants than any other fruit or vegetable. It is thought to protect against heart disease and cancer and it can also boost brain power.


Broccoli contains lots of vitamin C, fibre and beta-carotene. Broccoli is also thought to boost the immune system, build bones, fight birth defects and to ward off degenerative eye disease