Sunday, 27 July 2008

Why Doesn't Anything Fit Me Anymore!

This weekend seems to be the start of summer at last, the weather has been so lovely. In fact because of the sudden change in the weather it really is too hot. So of course I have been going through my wardrobe and getting all my summer clothes out. Unfortunately none of my summer clothes seem to fit me anymore. All my shorts that I used to wear last year are now too tight and uncomfortable. All my lovely summer dresses are way too tight and make my stomache bulge out. I feel so fat and frumpy!

I must admit this does not look very good for someone who is writing a blog about weight loss! But on the other hand it does at least prove that I am human!

Ok this is time for the truth, normally I do not have a problem with my weight, I can (usually) eat whatever I fancy and get away with it. I just think I have been lucky in that respect and have a fairly fast metabolism. Although I do not normally have a weight problem I do have a problem with a lack of energy and I firmly beleive that energy or lack or energy is the result of the type of food we eat. For instance if I eat too much chocolate or cake although it is lovely at the time, it is not too long before I feel very tired or sluggish. But if I keep chocolate and cakes to the minimum and eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables I feel so good and energised.

To be honest I do know the reason I have put on weight. It is because I have got lax and haven't been eating the right type of food and have been indulging in too much junk food. Also it is due to lack of exercise because I have been working from home for the last few months and of course have not had to travel to and from work which used to involve a lot of walking for me.

So what to do about it? The answer for me is to start an exercise program as I know from past experience that once I start exercising again I will definatly lose weight and will also have the added benefit of having so much more energy. Turbulence Training is an excellent weight loss program which uses the combination of resistance training and interval training to boost the metabolism so that the body burns calories and fat between workouts.

Why not visit my weight loss review site and check this out for yourself and also find out which other two weight loss programs I personally recommend!

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Healthy Weight Loss Tip - Try This Recipe

Sometimes when we are trying to lose weight we forget to look of the whole picture. Weight loss and dieting should also include looking good, feeling good and trying to be the best we can possibly be.

We should learn to enjoy food and eating should be an enjoyable experience. We need to try different recipes and experiment. One of the most overlooked food is pulses. There are many different varieties including, pinto beans, red kidney beans, haricot beans, butter beans etc.

Pulses (including lentils) are virtually fat free and full of protein. They provide good quantities of unrefined carbohydrates and because they are rich in dietary fibre they are also very filling. Another reason to try cooking with pulses is because they are very cheap to buy, unlike meat nowdays!

One of my favourite recipes is called Dutch Bean Stamppot. It is made with pinto beans and is a bit like shepherds pie but without the meat.


6oz (175g) pinto beans
1 tbsp (15ml) sunflower oil
1 onion, peeled and finely chopped
4 sticks celery, trimmed and diced
8oz (250g) carrots, scrubbed and diced
14oz (400g) can tomatoes, pureed
1 tsp (5ml) dried thyme
2 tsp (30ml) finely chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp (5ml) yeast extract
12oz (375g) potatoes, mashed

  1. Drain the beans. Boil fast in fresh water for 10 minutes. Cover and simmer for 30-40 minutes. Drain and reserve the stock.

  2. Heat the oil and gently fry the onion for 3-4 minutes or until soft. Add the celery, carrots and cooked beans and cook for 5 minutes. Stir in the tomatoes, a bay leaf, thyme and parsley.

  3. Dissolve the yeast extract in a little hot bean stock and stir in. Bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Season to taste.

  4. Place the stamppot in a lightly greased ovenproof dish, cover with mashed potatoes and bake in a preheated oven at Gas Mark 4, 350F, 180C for 15 to 20 minutes.
Eat and enjoy!

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Is Your Boyfriend Making You Fat?

Is your boyfriend making you fat? Well is he? Think about it for a moment. Does he buy you chocolates, even though you keep telling him not to and that you are trying to watch your weight? Does he insisted that you have that fattening desert when you go out for a meal even though you say you shouldn't?

Yes, I bet you thought he was being considerate and attentive, so you would meekly eat the chocolates and eat the desserts just because you are kind and didn't want to hurt his feelings. But stop - what is his ulterior motive? Is he doing this because deep down he feels insecure. Is it because he thinks if you get slim and gorgeous that someone else will come along who is more attractive and better looking and sweep you off your feet and then he will be left all on his own. Some men are like that, so if you find your boyfriend plying you with chocolates, sweets and all manner of fattening food, just think twice before blindly accepting them!

If after careful consideration you think he really is trying to sabotage your weight loss plans, don't yell and shout at him, just be subtle. Tell him that if he really wants to prove his love and devotion to you, some expensive perfume or jewellery would be very welcome instead!!!

Don't let your boyfriend sabotage your weight loss plans - fight back - visit my weight loss review site now!

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

For Successful Weight Loss Be Kind to Yourself

For many people weight loss is all about giving something up and being deprived of something. They think "if I stop eating chocolate for a week I am sure to lose some weight." Or they say to themselves "If I am really good and give up all the food I really love, I am sure to lose weight."

Well they are so wrong! When you give up eating a particular food that you enjoy ie chocolate, then chocolate becomes your focus. You are constantly thinking about chocolate. Your mind will run something like this...."oh I really miss eating chocolate but I am going to be really good and not eat any, then I will lose weight and be beautiful again." Next day you will be thinking..."oh dear I am so stressed I really want some chocolate, but I am not going to have any - so there!" The day after you are feeling really stressed and thinking .... "If only I could have just a tiny piece of chocolate I know I would feel better but I'm not going to eat any because I am a strong person." Two hours later..."surely a small piece of chocolate is not going hurt - oh no I can't!" One hour later..."chocolate, chocolate, I must have chocolate" and then..."I'm just a fat greedy pig - chocolate, chocolate" Half an hour later you are ready to hit someone - anyone! Five minutes later you race down to the shop and buy 6 chocolate bars and spend the next half an hour stuffing your face with chocolate. You feel so relieved and blissed out!

The next day you feel so guilty and all the self loathing comes back and you think you may as well give up and resign yourself to the fact that you are always going to be fat and ugly!

Ok I know the above is an extreme example, but do you get the picture? Most people who try to lose weight tend to have a bad self image and think that diet and weight loss is all about depriving themselves and punishing themselves. But the fact is that the more we deprive ourselves of something we want, the more that very thing becomes the focus of our attention.

For successful weight loss we need to find a good program that is kind to us. Where we are not forever feeling guilty and deprived of the food that we love. Above all we must be kind to ourselves.

For the best weight loss programs visit and start being kind to yourself!