Friday, 27 June 2008

Are You Tired of Yo Yo Dieting?

Are you tired of yo yo dieting and your weight consistently going up and down? You may also find yourself having mood swings, feeling really happy when you have lost a few pounds only to quickly regain them again and then feel so guilty and bad about yourself.

The problem with yo yo dieting is that when you cut down on calories your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows down. The body will then start to think that there is a famine. In order to maintain your weight while it "thinks" you are starving, your body's metabolism rate will actually slow down and your body will then start to store the calories into your fat cells.

In the long run, very low calorie diets can actually make you fatter. Eventually, they lead to binge eating and weight re-gain and you end up with less muscle and a slower metabolism than when you started.

Some of the consequences of the body going into starvation mode include:

  1. Your body releases fewer fat- releasing and fat-burning enzymes such as hormone sensitive lipase and lipoprotein lipase.

  2. Your fat cells release less of the hormone leptin, which is the signal that tells your brain you are well fed and not starving.

  3. Fat burning hormones crash, including your levels of T3, which is the active form of thyroid hormone, the "metabolism-regulating hormone".

  4. You lose muscle. Muscle is metabolically-active tissue, which means it takes a lot of energy just to keep it. When you are "starving," excess muscle is the last thing you need. Muscle becomes expendable, and your body cannibalizes your own lean tissue.

  5. Appetite hormones rage out of control. When you are starving, a part of your brain called the hypothalamus switches into high gear and flips the appetite switch, sometimes to the point where you become ravenous and cannot fight these physiological cravings with willpower.

It is therefore hormonally, metabolically and physiologically impossible to achieve permanent fat loss by starving yourself. Any program that is extremely low in calories may work in the short term, but the results never long lasting.

If you are tired of yo yo dieting and having a slow metabolism a good way to speed up your metabolism and to feel good about yourself is to start a regular exercise program. Aerobic and weight lifting exercises are very good because they speed up your metabolism and build muscle, as muscle cells are crammed with power sources called mitochondria, which are where your calories get "burned" or oxidized. So the more muscle you have, the more power sources you have to break down fat. This means that the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, even while sleeping.

Therefore if you are tired of yo yo dieting and feeling bad about yourself, maintaining sensible eating habits and regular exercise are all good ways to a healthy balanced lifestyle.

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

They call this the Idiot Proof Diet. There is no long ebook to read or exercise plan to follow. You choose which foods you want to eat and a new menu will be automatically generated in seconds! You even get to eat more than 3 times a day! It is possible for you to lose 9lbs every 11 days and that you are overweight for the most simple of reasons - because you are eating the wrong foods, the wrong types of calories per meal and eating meals in the wrong patterns each day. Food is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills, because the food that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT. You don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, that's a myth. You get fat because you don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day.

  • Low Fat Foods DON'T WORK
  • Low Calorie Diets DON'T WORK
  • Low Carb Plans DON'T WORK

Fat Loss 4 Idiots will give you:

  • An On-Line Diet Generator
  • 10 Rules for Fast Fat Loss

ALSO You Will Learn:

  • How to Stop Retaining Water
  • How to Order Food at Resturants to Boost Fat Burning
  • How to Drink Alcohol whilst Still Burning Fat
  • How to Eat More Than 3 times Per Day to Speed Up Weight Loss

Plus Much More!

To learn how to lose weight effortlessly visit my weight loss review site at

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Welcome to Super Weight Loss Reviews!

Super Weight Loss Reviews will give you reviews of the hottest weight loss progams on the market along with any other information regarding weight loss and related health issues.

So one two three here we go!

Are You Really Ready to Lose Weight?

Are you really ready to lose weight? Are you sure? Is this you?
  • You are constantly thinking about losing that excess weight and those spare tyres you are carrying around.
  • You are forever counting the calories in each meal.
  • You go on one of the latest fad diets you read about for a few weeks but then give up.
  • You read everything you can about dieting, weight loss and exercise, but never really do anything about it.
Unless you are really ready to lose weight both mentally and emotionally, you will be defeated before you begin. Dieting before you are ready to lose weight can also lead to yo yo dieting which in turn puts the body under constant strain, forever desperately trying to keep a balance.

Losing weight can be just as hard as giving up smoking for someone who has smoked cigarettes for most of their adult life. Overeating and smoking cigarettes can both be very addictive and hard habits to break. In order to succeed in either case you must have the right mental attitude and be very determined to succeed. If you start a weight loss program without the intention of keeping it up, then the doubt that is always in the back of your mind will make it so much easier for you to fail.

For many people it is more about what goes on in the mind than what they are putting into their mouth and you might have to deal with these issues first before you have any real success with losing weight and getting in shape. We do most things in life subconsciously including good and bad habits and by turning those bad habits into positive lifestyle changes your body weight won't be something that is constantly the focus of your life.

Mind power is a very potent thing that can work for or against you and by eliminating bad habits from your life you will be retraining your mind to accept the new lifestyle as your natural state whereby you will be able to maintain a good health body weight for the long-term.

So when you feel you are really ready to lose weight, find a good weight loss system that you feel comfortable with and one that will suit your lifestyle. Don't just jump on the bandwagon of the next fad diet that comes into fashion. Sensible eating and regular exercise are all good ways to maintain a healthy way of life.

&T To find the best weight loss diets visit my site at